Thursday, September 12, 2013



Sentindo a relação terapeutica como um facilitador de dissolução de sistemas de crenças que não promovem a saude e bem -estar, Arko acompanha os interessados num retorno natural e gradual á Vitalidade intrínseca de acordo com os princípios da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e Filosofia Taoísta.

- Medicina Tradicional Chinesa-MTC: 
  • Acupunctura,
  • Fitoterapia,
  • Massagem Tuina,
  • Acompanhamento Dietético,
  • Wudang QiGong, Tai Ji, GongFu, TaiJi Espada, BaGua,
  • Mantras e Overtones
-AULAS DE WUDANG WuShu, TaiJI Espada e Push Hands

- Massagem Tântrica

-Coaching, Intimidade e Alquimia Sexual Taoísta (Individual/Casais)
Segunda a Sexta entre as 9:00 e as 19:00h
Sábado entre as 9:00 e as 13:00h 


Casa da Aroeira Centro de Retiros
Rua Ivone Silva, Aroeira Charneca da Caparica, Portugal

Nuno Ordens Miguel 925753822


Sunday, August 15, 2010

RETIRO DE QIGONG e MEDITAÇÂO TAOÍSTA na Casa da Aroeira, 22,23 e 24 Outubro 2010

Perceber o nosso lugar no Universo, encontrar equilíbrio e resgatar força intrínseca é o caminho mais certo para um retorno á Saúde Integral. O QiGong conduz gradualmente a esse estado de bem estar físico, emocional e mental, através de um conjunto de posturas  e movimentos lentos, coordenados através da respiração para permitir o livre fluir da Energia Vital 'Qi' no interior do corpo. Promovendo a saúde e longevidade dos principais órgãos e sistemas fisiológicos de corpo, esta arte milenar faz parte da prática energética diária dos monges Taoístas nas montanhas sagradas da China bem como do crescente numero de praticantes ocidentais que beneficiam dos seus efeitos.

Através da meditação podemos gerar, transformar e circular a energia vital interna, promovendo a saúde e longevidade do corpo e um aumento da percepção e conciência. A meditação taoísta tem como princípios a Concentração, expandindo a consciência das sensações do corpo físico, até que o foco da atenção fique apenas na respiração e a Quietude da mente, promovendo a intuição e o aflorar de ‘insights’ profundos. 
Os 5 Sons Terapêuticos são utilizados com o objectivo de harmonizar, sedar ou estimular os principais órgãos do corpo. Estes mantras, entoados em ‘overtone’ e em conjunto com visualizações específicas exercem uma massagem interna profunda ao corpo ao mesmo tempo que acalmam e silenciam a mente.

Conteúdo programático do retiro de 24,25 e 26 de Setembro de 2010:

Chegada apartir das 19h. Jantar partilhado seguido de sessão de apresentação do retiro.


7:00-8:15h Noções basicas de automassagem, Exercícios Tradicionais Taoístas de Respiração e recolha de Energia do Sol (Taoist Sun Gazing).  Caso o tempo permita a realizar na praia da Fonte da Telha.


9:30-12:00h Contextualização teórica de 'Taoist Sun Gazing'. Pratica Qigong para a Longevidade- Yang Sheng Gong I .

12:30h ALMOÇO E TEMPO LIVRE ( Praia e caminhada na mata da Arriba Fóssil da Costa da Caparica)

15.30-18:00h Meditação Taoísta Sentada (Gerar, Refinar e Distribuir a energia vital no corpo). Técnicas Tradicionais Taoístas de limpeza energética e eliminação de toxinas
Fundamentos teóricos: A Tradição Wudang Chun Yang e as 8 Colunas de Virtude Taoístas.


20:00-21:30h Introdução aos 5 Sons Terapeuticos. Meditação com mantras Taoístas (Five Tone Healing Music: instruments, energy/vibration, song and theory. Sacred Taoist mantras and Overtones.)



7:00-8:15h Noções basicas de automassagem, Exercícios Tradicionais Taoístas de Respiração e recolha de Energia do Sol (Sun Gazing). Meditação Taoísta com os 5 elementos (Fogo, Terra, Metal, Água e Madeira) Caso o tempo permita a realizar na praia da Fonte da Telha.


9:30-12:00h Treino leve de fortalecimento muscular e correcção postural. Revisão do sistema Wudang Qigong para a Longevidade- Yang Sheng Gong I .


15.00-17:00h Técnicas Tradicionais Taoístas de limpeza energética e eliminação de toxinas, Da Gong  Meditação Taoísta(Gerar, Refinar e Distribuir a energia vital no corpo). 


O retiro inclui a estadia para 2 noites, estado disponivel uma cozinha equipada para realização de refeições comuns vegetarianas.
O acordar será ajustado ao longo do ano, 30 min antes do nascer do Sol.

Durante o retiro poderão ser ainda abordados, a pedido dos participantes diferentes tópicos, nomeadamente,
Meridianos, pontos de acupunctura, Chin Na e técnicas taoístas de defesa pessoal.
Filosofia Taoísta e Textos Sagrados Dao De Jing, Chuang Tzu, I Jing - Livro das mutações.

O retiro prevê a dormida no local de sexta para sábado e sábado para domingo, devendo os participantes levar saco de cama para o efeito.
Cada participante deve levar comida para preparar um refeição vegetariana simples para 6 pessoas (outros ajudam na preparação...correu bem nos retiros anteriores por isso a proposta mantem-se para este).
Levar roupa confortável para fazer exercício e um casaco quente para as práticas da manhã.
Os retiros decorrerão no 3º ou 4º fim de semana de cada mês, em data a anunciar atempadamente, estando limitado a  9 participantes por seminário.

Investimento do retiro Sexta a Domingo: 150€
Para praticantes que tenham feito já um primeiro retiro e queiram aprofundar a prática: 110€
Palestra de apresentação Sexta-feira das 19:00 as 20:30h - Gratuita

A reserva é feita mediante o deposito de 20€ (sem devolução no caso de desistência) na conta BCP NIB 003300000004702459516, seguido de SMS de confirmação para o no 925 753 822 ou e-mail para até ao dia 21 Outubro. O restante será pago no local e na altura do retiro.

ESTÃO ABERTAS AS INCRIÇÔES PARA OS RETIROs A DECORRER OUTUBRO (dias 22, 23 e 24 Setembro) e NOVEMBRO (dias 26,27 e 28 Outubro) de 2010.

Inscrições e pedidos de informações:
Nuno Ordens Miguel 925753822\ 919460025        e-mail:
Joana Prata             969407033                          e-mail:

Local dos retiros:
Casa da Aroeira - R. Ivone Silva AROEIRA 2820-597 Charneca da Caparica junto ao restaurante ChakaZull.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Aulas regulares semanais de Wudang KungFu na Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa

Características do Sistema Wudang GongFu

GongFu (KungFu) é o nome comum utilizado para designar as artes marciais tradicionais chinesas, estando estas divididas em duas escolas milenares principais:
-Escola externa, tornada celebre nos mosteiros de Shaolin (Budista), focada no trabalho fisico e aumento da força muscular.
-Escola interna, provenientes dos mosteiros de Wudang (Taoísta), focados na pratica da meditação e cultivo ‘Qi’ ou ‘Energia Vital’, mantendo o corpo fisico relaxado.
Perceber o nosso lugar no Universo, encontrar equilibrio e resgatar força intrínseca é o caminho mais certo para um retorno á saúde integral. O sistema Wudang Kung Fu conduz gradualmente a esse estado de bem estar fisico, emocional e mental, através de um conjunto de estilos internos ainda hoje praticados pelos monges Taoístas nas montanhas sagradas da China.

A linhagem Wudang ChunYang
A linhagem ChunYang é originaria da montanha de Wudang , na provincia de Hubei, China. É iniciada na dinastia Tang por Lu Dong Bing (1ª Geracão Wudang Chun Yang), um dos mestres marciais e de cura Taoístas mais conhecidos da pratica alquimica interna.
A Música, Caligrafia, Espada, Artes Marciais, Medicina Tradicional Chinesa, Cerimónia e Alquimia estão entre as muitas portas através das quais o Grande Tao pode ser sentido. A tradição Chun Yang é uma das únicas a combinar todas estas artes de uma forma holistica, seguindo assim preceitos que conduzem á harmonia entre o Homem e a Natureza.
Actualmente a herança e práticas internas Chun Yang estão vivas no interior de mosteiros Taoístas nos montes Wudang.

Práticas internas de Wudang GongFu
Chun Yang Taiji
A forma Chun Yang Taiji usa 18 movimentos executados suave e lentamente, coordenados entre si para gerar emissões poderosas e rápidas de energia para o exterior.
A sequência de movimentos é baseada no com-portamento de uma variedade de animais, sendo a forma base de cultivo de energia interna utilizada na linhagem Chun Yang.

Yang Sheng Gong - Longevidade
Yang Sheng pode ser traduzido como ‘subida de vida’ ou longevidade. Esta forma de QiGong é dividida em 3 secções, cada uma contendo 9 movimentos.
A primeira secção reforça a Energia Pré-Natal (Jing), a segunda nutre a Energia Pós-Natal (Qi ) e a terceira desenvolve a Energia Espiritual (Shen). É uma forma alquímica de transmutação e sublimação da energia Jing para Qi e desta para Shen.

Da Gong – Desintoxicação e limpeza energética
Este método Taoísta antigo treina a capacidade de implosão de energia no Dantien (centro energético), dispersando-a pelo corpo de forma a promover a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas nos órgaos e a circulação energética em todos os meridianos.
Esta prática é utilizada também para a protecção dos órgãos vitais e membros do corpo de impactos provocados por ataques externos ou quedas.

Chun Yang Taiji Espada
Esta forma promove o respirar unificado entre o corpo e a espada, permitindo ao praticante fluir através de conjunto de movimentos do corpo e expandi-los através da respiração criando uma sinergia dinâmica com a espada.

Sons Terapêuticos, Mantras e Overtones
Existem 5 sons internos e 5 sons externos, ambos com indicações terapêuticas, utilizados com o objectivo de harmonizar, sedar ou estimular os principais órgãos do corpo.
Estes mantras, entoados em ‘overtone’ e em conjunto com visualizações específicas exercem uma massagem interna profunda ao corpo, activando a circulação da Energia Vital e do Sangue ao mesmo tempo que acalmam e silenciam a mente.

Meditação Taoísta
A meditação Taoísta trabalha todos os níveis do Ser, conhecidos na tradição Taoísta por ‘3 Tesouros’: Essência (corpo), Energia (respiração) e o Espirito (Mente).
A prática da meditação Taoísta começa com a abertura da Órbita Microcósmica, fazendo circular a Energia Vital nos meridianos Yin e Yang principais do corpo, expandindo a consciência das sensações do corpo físico, até que o foco da atenção fique apenas na respiração. A mente acalma e a intuição faz-se sentir na forma de ‘insights’ profundos.


Conteúdo Programático das aulas:

As aulas pretendem ser um ponto de encontro regular onde o aluno desenvolverá gradualmente as seguintes artes internas

Chun Yang Taiji
Yang Sheng Gong - Longevidade
Da Gong – Desintoxicação e limpeza energética
Chun Yang Taiji Espada
Sons Terapêuticos, Mantras e Overtones
Meditação Taoísta


Todos os interessados na filosofia e prática Taoísta como meio de auto-conhecimento, desenvolvimento espiritual, saúde e bem estar.

Tercas feiras, das 20.00h as 21.30h
Quintas feiras, das 20.00h as 21.30h
2x por semana: 40€
1X por semana: 30€
Aulas Avulso 10€\aula
Telefones 925753822 ou 919460025
Através do Grupo ' Centro de Estudos Avançados Taoistas' ou na secretaria da Escola Superior de medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ESMTC* - UMCN** - OMS***)
*A Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa é representante em Portugal da Universidade de Medicina Chinesa de Nanjing (UMCN**). Não reconhecida oficialmente em Portugal
***Centro de colaboração da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) para a formação em MTC em todo o mundo.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wudang Chun Yang Longevity Qigong and 5 Tone Healing

During this weekend you will be immersed in the beautiful scenery of the Pousada Catalezede in Lisbon, Oeiras while discovering in your own body the benefits of these practices.

After the workshop the participant will be able to begin or deepen their understand QiGong foundaments, and will have the tools to engage in a daily practice of 40-50 min. Optimum body energy circulation can be achieve trough right breathing, body internal and external postures and healing sounds such as mantras and overtones.

Wudang Chun Yang foundational form of Qigong (Yang Shen Gong)
This QiGong form is divided into 3 sections, each containing 9 movements. The first section cultivates Jing ( Pre-natal energy) in the body , the second nourishes Qi (Post-natal energy) and the 3rd develops Shen (Spiritual Energy). All of them cultivates, increasing and nourishing the flow of Energy within the body.

Wudang Chun Yang 5 Tone Healing
Using ancient initiatic overtone mantras and focus visualization one provides inner healing massage to the main internal organs of the body. These sacred chants are frequently used as a healing method for oneself and others.

Workshop investment and schedule:

Saturday, 30th January from 9:30am to 12:30pm and 14:00pm to 18:00pm
Sunday, 31th January from 9:30 to 13:00 pm

The cost of the weekend workshop is 150€ . Teachers and students of Tradicional Chinese Medicine or other Heath professionals will have 25% discount.


- The workshop will be given in Portuguese, with simultaneous English translation if required.
- Excelent condicions to stay over night on the Pousada Catalazede (see
- Attendance should be confirmed by January 28th through a non-refundable deposit of 20€.
Bank transfer to Millenium BCP NIB 003300000004702459516, followed by SMS to Phone 00351 925 753 822 or e-mail to with your name, e-mail and Nib.

Location and Contacts

Pousada Catalazede -Estrada da Marginal, junto ao Inatel. Tel. 214430638
Tiago Chabert Telm. 916291455 E-mail:
Nuno Ordens Miguel Telm. 925753822 Email:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Pure Yang Sect of Taoism originated in Wudang Mountain, Hubei Province, China. The skills were founded during the Tang Dynasty by Lu Dong Bing.

In Taoism it is said that there are 3,600 gateways leading to the Great Tao. We can perceive certain Taoist Arts as keys to unlocking a higher knowledge. Ceremony, Music, Calligraphy, Straight Sword, Boxing, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healing are among the many doors through which we can feel the Great Tao. The Pure Yang is one of the only sects to combine these arts in a holistic way. Taoist Renunciates must strictly follow the precepts, unifying their thoughts, their heart, and their life with Nature. The final step of cultivation is known as Internal Alchemy.

From the birth of this sect the tradition has always been passed from Master to a single disciple. Therefore, in each generation there is only one practitioner holding the techniques within himself.

The first recorded history of the Pure Yang was in the Ming Dynasty. Fourth generation Taoist Sage ZHOU YI CHING of the Five Dragon Temple in Wudang was cultivating the 3 secret arts of Pure Yang: Jue, Fa, Zhou - translated as - Hand Symbols, Talisman, Mantra. The receving disciple of Zhou Yi Ching was LONG XIN, also of the Five Dragon Temple. By the time of the Qing Dynasty Long Xin had passed tradition down to WANG ZHI DAO of Wudang's Yu Xu Palace. It was at this time that the techniques of Pure Yang merged with the Dragon Gate Sect of the Pure Reality School. Around 1920, Wang Zhi Dao accepted disciple LIU LI HANG of Wu Chang Snake Mountain's Wu Dang Temple in the area of Wuhan, Hubei Province. Liu Li Hang accepted one disciple PENG CHANG GUI of Wuhan before he fled to Si Chuan Province to avoid the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. Master Liu continued his practice in Si Chuan and accepted a 2nd disciple by the name of DUAN MENG ZHOU of Dali in Yunnan Province. By the late 1970's Master Liu had returned to the area of Wuhan and began accepting more disciples. These disciples, however, were not Taoist Renunciates residing in temples, they were at home practitioners with families and jobs. Master Liu only taught them martial techniques, witholding the 3 secret arts. Their names were WANG ZHAO HUI, ZHANG TIAN YI, XU GUO YAN, ZHANG JIAN ZHUN. In the early 1980's, 4 more disciples were accepted by Master Liu: YANG GUANG HUA, FAN MING HUA, GE XIAO HUI, QIAN JIAN YI. After the Cultural Revolution, the Communist Government encouraged the country to engage in athletic activities and many Sports Committees were formed. In the 1990's, Hubei Province Ti Wei Sports Committee summoned Liu Li Hang to come out of reclusion and teach his martial excersises to many. After being pressured several times, Liu Li Hang agreed to accept more students. This new wave of students included: FU SHENG GUO, CHENG XIN HUI, ZHONG SHEN LI, CHENG DE SHEN, WANG QIAN JIN, LU ZHI QIANG, PENG TAO, CAI XING SHEN, YUAN QI WEN, PI ZHI HONG.

By the year 2000, Master Liu had accepted many students, but to none of them did he give the deep arts. He decided he must take these techniques back to Wudang Mountain and renew the tradition of single disciple transmission. Thus, he journeyed to the most westerly of the 72 peaks in the Wudang Range, The White Horse Mountain. There he found Taoist Renunciate DU ZONG CHANG, accepted him into the Pure Yang Sect, and gave to him Jue, Fa, Zhou.

8 years later, 23rd generation Ge Xiao Hui and Du Zong Chang unite forces on Bai Ma Shan (White Horse Mountain) to spread the heritage of Pure Yang across the globe and restore a place of worship. Thirteen foreign disciples from varying countries become part of the lineage, their names are LINDSEY WEI, CATHARINA COSTANZA, JAMES MANNING, ROY ASHTON, JOHANNES HAUSEN, DAN SMOOKLER, MIRO WESTMASS, COLIN MAIER, REBECCA FITZPATRICK, JANA BENITEZ, ANDREW COOPER, NUNO ORDENS MIGUEL AND SUSANA FILIPE.

-translated into english by Lindsey Wei-

Monday, September 21, 2009

Present Wudang Chun Yang masters and their path

GRAND MASTER LIU LI HANG (Liu Ding Guo) 1906-2002

22nd Generation Pure Yang Renunciate.
Born in Wuchang, Hubei Province.
Liu Li Hang became a renunciate when he was only 15 years old at the Wudang Temple in Wuhan.
He ascended at age 96.
Part of The Project proceeds go towards building a pagoda in his honor on White Horse Mountain.

MASTER GE ZONG ZHEN (Ge Xiao Hui) 1963-

23rd Generation Martial Artist and Healer.
Born in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.
Ge Xiao Hui moved to Wuhan at age 3. At 13 he began to study the Internal Arts of Yan Chi Gong (translated as Ink slab sect).
In 1986 Master Ge bowed to Liu Li Hang and was accepted into the Pure Yang Sect. He studied martial arts and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healing. Another teacher during this time was Dragon Gate Sect Huang Zhong Sheng of Chang Chun Temple.

For 10 years, Master Ge awoke at 4 a.m. to ride his bike one hour across the Yangtze River to where Liu Li Hang lived. Ge and his brothers would train for one hour with Liu and ride their bikes back to the other side in time to go to work at 7 a.m. They were taught in a traditional way in which the Master reveals the technique and demonstrates it once, perhaps 3 times at most. It is then up to the student to figure it out and practice on their own time. This is a test of a student's latent knowledge within.

In 1996, at age 33, Ge opens a Pure Yang Health Preservation Center accepting patients for Traditional Chinese Massage and Yang Sheng Longevity practices. In Liu Li Hang's last years,

Ge closed his Healing Center and moved across the Yangtze to be by his Master's side everyday. During this time, Liu transmitted his last lessons to him.

In 2004 he was certified as a High Level Massage Therapist by the People's Republic of China.

In 2007 Ge leaves his family to teach on Bai Ma Shan. Master Ge and Master Du come together to combine their studies and restore the Pure Yang arts to a state of totality.

ABBOT DU ZONG CHANG (Du Song Feng) 1964-

23rd Generation Renunciate.
Born in Shang Qiu, Henan Province.
Master Du's Family lived in an ancient ruined temple. Three days before he was born many crows came and lived in the trees around their home and stayed there until he came of age. Many thought that this was surely a bad omen. However, in Wudang, the crow is the spirit of the mountain.

One day in the market when Du was 7 he met a Wandering Taoist on the street. The Taoist looked at him, felt his bones, and told him that he had destiny with the Tao. The young boy thought nothing of it at the time.

By age 13 Du began to study Taoist and Buddhist beliefs as well as Chinese Internal and External Arts such as Shaolin's Plum Blossom Boxing and Chen Family Tai Ji Quan. He traveled many places in China and learned under the tutelage of several Masters.

At age 16, his teacher guided him to broaden his religious studies to include Christianity and Judaism.

By 1991 he was formally accepted as a disciple of Taoism, and by 1996 he left his family to become a Renunciate and found his way to Bai Ma Shan. By 2000, he became the Abbot of the Five Immortal Temple, undergoing severe hardship in the bitter conditions.

Master Du's brothers all refer to him as a rare genius. Unlike other practitioners, he studies under many different Masters gaining a myriad wealth of skills. His forte is in the realm of Internal Alchemy, Talisman Magic, and Chun Yang Men Jue Fa Zhou. He also practices Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 Tone Healing Music, and Jing Cha Fa Shi (reciting the scripture ceremony.)

-Translated by Lindsey Wei-

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

WUDANG TAOIST ART OF HEALTH AND LONGEVITY from 3 to the 9th October with Nuno Ordens Miguel

This invitation was born from a yearning to share, to touch and be touched. Its purpose being to bridge Ancient Chinese Taoist Healing and Martial Arts with of those who feel they can benefit from them in their daily lives.

It is based on my own experience living with Taoist renunciates in the temples of Wu Xen Miao and Yu Ping Miao in the Sacred Mountains of Wudang Shan in the Heart of China for about a year. From that deep touching experience I’ve started to perceive Health and Longevity as a form of Art, as they are expressions of inner and outer grace and inspired movement achieved by balancing our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies.

The promotion of harmony between all those aspects of self became the aspiration of this workshop.

During this weekend\week you will be immersed in the beautiful scenery of Quinta dos Milagres with our host ALDEIA-Bio, while rediscovering in your own body the benefits of these practices.

Wudang Chun Yang Tai Ji 18 Movement Form
This is the basic alchemical and internal energy cultivating method used in the temple Chun Yang lineage, it combines soft flowing movement with explosive emissions of power.

Wudang Chun Yang Longevity Form
This QiGong form is divided into 3 sections, each containing 9 movements. The first section cultivates Jing ( Pre-natal energy) in the body , the second nourishes Qi (Post-natal energy) and the 3rd develops Shen (Spiritual Energy). All of them cultivates and promotes the flowing of Energy within the body.

Wudang Chun Yang Sword
This sword form is a treasure of the Pure Yang because it was passed down by Lu Dong Bing, an exceptional Taoist martial and healing master. The practitioner learns to unify his own body and breathing with his sword.

Wudang Chun Yang 5 Tone Healing
Using ancient initiatic overtone mantras and focus visualization one provides inner healing massage to the main internal organs of the body. These sacred chants are frequently used as a healing method for oneself and others.

Chinese Tuina Massage and Self Healing Acupressure Points
Through the application of massage and manipulation techniques, Tuina seeks to establish a more harmonious flow of Qi through the system of body meridians, allowing the body to naturally heal itself.

Workshop investment and conditions of attendance
Weekend retreat 3,4th October – 190 €
Full Week retreat from 3 to 9th October – 365€
Vegetarian meals (Breakfeast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea Break) and Accommodation included (indoor mattress or outdoor camping in order of registration) .
- The workshop will be given in Portuguese, with simultaneous English translation if required.
-All participants of both weekend and week retreat workshop should arrive on the 2th October after 5pm.
- Attendance should be confirmed by September 28th through a non-refundable deposit of 50€.
Bank transfer to Millenium BCP NIB 003300000004702459516, followed by SMS to Phone 00351 925 753 822 or e-mail to with your name, e-mail and Nib.
Location and Contacts
ALDEIA-Bio at Quinta dos Milagres, Odiáxere, Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
Nuno Ordens Miguel Telm. 925753822 Email:
Telma and Thomas Fussing Tel. 282 688 260 Email: